Do you struggle to maintain the home without sacrificing time with your kids? Do you feel guilty for sitting your kids in front of a screen so you can get everything done? Are you going to bed feeling overwhelmed and scattered? Do you find yourself stuck in survival mode, counting down to bedtime (and then feeling bad about it)? Do you want to live more holistically and go low-tox but don’t know where to start? What if there was a way to partner biblical parenting with holistic homemaking so you had the systems, routines, and mindset to actually have more time and balance between home and motherhood? It’s possible, Let me show you how! In the Wholesome Mumma find conversations on biblical parenting for the SAHM Christian mum, a holistic view on homemaking and how you can make small changes to better your homemaking plus tips and tricks for staying on top of the housework whilst balancing time with God, your husband, children and even yourself. I’m Elyse, lover of Jesus, married to my best friend, mum of 3 littles and living life on the beach. I remember what it was like to be a new mum - I was frustrated with motherhood, drowning in housework, and struggling to find time to balance it all. I wondered how to help my kids know Jesus when I couldn’t get my toddler to stop throwing a tantrum long enough to open the bible. I went on a journey to discover God’s plan and purpose for mothers. 3 John 1:2 says “I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” and I know this includes mothers. So if you are ready to lean on Jesus in your motherhood, find contentment in homemaking and all that God has for you in this season then grab your cup of tea, reheat it, because you know, and let’s go! For more info visit wholesomemumma.com or connect with Elyse @wholesomemumma and email hello@wholesomemumma.com

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Who doesn't want more time with their children? But do you feel like spending time playing with your kids or taking them to the park always comes at the cost of letting the house go and throwing your to do list out the window?
In today's mini episode I am sharing a huge announcement for Wholesome Mumma - I am now offering 1:1 coaching for mothers to help with their homes. In these sessions we will create flexible routines for your home, based on your family and lifestyle. We will recognise what currently isn't working and create a simple system which you can implement within 7 days.
For all the details visit wholesomemumma.com/coaching
Join the FB Christian Mumma Community here

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
The One Bible Verse Every Mother Needs To Know
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Do you want to partner with the Word of God when it comes to parenting your children? In today's episode I share with you the umber one bible verse every parent needs to have at the forefront of our minds daily. I discuss the foundational belief of what our parenting needs to grow from. Listen in and then share this episode with another Christian Mama so she can be encouraged too!
The book I mention in this episode is Parenting by Paul David Tripp

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Is Going Low Tox Right For You? Busting the myth of what the hype is all about!
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Is going low tox and ditching chemicals just a craze or is there an actual point to it? In today's episode I breakdown the myth of "low tox is just a fad" and we dig into what it really means and how it can apply to your family. I also discuss some of the benefits reducing your toxic load has on your body. Whether you're just getting started or haven't heard the concept this is for you!
Get started with essential oils, which is my personal favourite way to be low tox on a budget here
View episode details plus more on all things Wholesome Mumma here

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
How I Fit In Time With God As A Busy Mum PLUS What I Do For My Daily Devotion
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
So you want to balance your time better because you always seem to run out of it? How are we meant to do all the things we have to do plus spend time with our kids, husband, ourself and most importantly God. Today in the show I am sharing with you exactly what I do to "fit" in time with God into my full days. (P.S. we should fit other things around God, not "fit" Him in). I share with you, how you can find time to hear from God even with toddlers running around, how to involve your kids in this time and why you actually should plus how I do my daily devotion, step by step. If your relationship with God has been on the back burner for a while, listen in mumma!
![The True Cost of Fear in Motherhood and How to Overcome It! [With Jennifer Pepito - Mothering By The Book]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8711060/Elyse_Rooney_-_Rebrand_6_antj3_300x300.png)
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Do you have a fear of failing your children? Fear of not doing enough or too much? Afraid you won't survive the toddler years? Join me for today's conversation with mother, homeschooler and author Jennifer Pepito as she shares her stories from her own journey through motherhood and how she overcame so many fear that us mums are still facing today. We chat about what are fears in motherhood, why we need to take time to overcome fear and not just cope with it, how you being afraid is impacting your family, how you can use reading to overcome fears and grow in motherhood, and so much more.
Jennifer Pepito is the founder of The Peaceful Press, a company committed to providing learning resources that promote connection between parents and children.
When self-help books failed to address her fears, Jennifer who is a mum of seven and has been homeschooling for 25 years, discovered that classic literature provided wisdom and biblical truths that helped free her and other women from the doubts they were facing. She found delight again in nurturing her kids and her children also reaped the benefits of life lessons from the stories she read aloud together.
For show notes visit wholesomemumma.com
Want more from Jennifer? Check out the Peaceful Press.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
We go through so many changes when we become a mother and one of them is feeling like we have to find ourselves again after having our baby, especially if you have gone from working full time to becoming a stay at home mum. In today's episode I share with you the different places we can look for our identity, the one place we can truly find it, as well as ten bible verse to encourage you if you feel lost in who you are as a "just a mother".
Read the verses in full here
Free As A Mumma Course here

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
I get it, you're running a mental to do list of 400 things and trying to tick as many off as you can. But are you going to bed feeling like you haven't accomplished anything? In today's episode I will share with you the number one secret to creating more time in your day!
Join the Facebook Community here

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Waking Up Already Reacting? One Secret To Set Yourself Up For A Better Morning!
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
In todays episode I share with you one thing you can do each night so you have a better morning with your family. If you wake up feeling rushed, stressed and overwhelmed this one hack will help you ease in to your mornings.
Website: www.wholesomemumma.com
Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/wholesomemumma
Instagram: www.instagram.com/wholesomemumma
![Finding the Goodness of God in Seasons of Grief & Loss [with Michelle Castro]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8711060/Elyse_Rooney_-_Rebrand_6_antj3_300x300.png)
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Finding the Goodness of God in Seasons of Grief & Loss [with Michelle Castro]
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Today I have a dear friend of mine, Michelle Castro, on the show to share about her story of multiple miscarriages and then birthing her son sleeping. Michelle shares about even thought this has been the hardest things she's ever had to walk through, God still wove His goodness, provision and glory all throughout this seasons. I pray this encourages you if you have experienced the grief that comes with losing a child or if you have been trying to conceive for a long time, God has you!

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
One of the most overwhelming things about being a mum can be the housework. Maintaining the home, getting everything done and staying on top of it sounds like an impossible task, but what if it doesn't have to be. In today's episode, I share with you my top hacks for ways to clean the home when all you have is 15 minutes. These are quick wins that will help with the overwhelm of feeling like you're living in chaos.
Want all the tips and tricks when it comes to simplifying your home and having a clearer mind? Join FREE AS A MUMMA here.