Do you struggle to maintain the home without sacrificing time with your kids? Do you feel guilty for sitting your kids in front of a screen so you can get everything done? Are you going to bed feeling overwhelmed and scattered? Do you find yourself stuck in survival mode, counting down to bedtime (and then feeling bad about it)? Do you want to live more holistically and go low-tox but don’t know where to start? What if there was a way to partner biblical parenting with holistic homemaking so you had the systems, routines, and mindset to actually have more time and balance between home and motherhood? It’s possible, Let me show you how! In the Wholesome Mumma find conversations on biblical parenting for the SAHM Christian mum, a holistic view on homemaking and how you can make small changes to better your homemaking plus tips and tricks for staying on top of the housework whilst balancing time with God, your husband, children and even yourself. I’m Elyse, lover of Jesus, married to my best friend, mum of 3 littles and living life on the beach. I remember what it was like to be a new mum - I was frustrated with motherhood, drowning in housework, and struggling to find time to balance it all. I wondered how to help my kids know Jesus when I couldn’t get my toddler to stop throwing a tantrum long enough to open the bible. I went on a journey to discover God’s plan and purpose for mothers. 3 John 1:2 says “I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” and I know this includes mothers. So if you are ready to lean on Jesus in your motherhood, find contentment in homemaking and all that God has for you in this season then grab your cup of tea, reheat it, because you know, and let’s go! For more info visit wholesomemumma.com or connect with Elyse @wholesomemumma and email hello@wholesomemumma.com

Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
We know that our devotional time is important for our personal spiritual growth and also helps us to be better wives, mums and selves. But how do we as busy mums fit this in to our day, especially without having to wake up at 4am?!
In todays episode, I answer your questions around faith, hearing from God, feeling close to God, what books have changed my life, what my personal devotional time looks like and more.
For more details, including the list of books mentioned, check out wholesomemumma.com
Try the liquid collagen difference for yourself here

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
6 Ways To NATURALLY Say Goodbye To Period Pain (Endometriosis Awareness Month)
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Do you feel like your endo or period pain have robbed you of life because you're spending days in bed, on pain meds and just not managing? In todays episode I share with you the 6 things I am doing that has transformed my cycle and yep, my life! If you are ready to have painless, regular periods and get your life back, then listen in!

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Break Up With The ”All or Nothing” Mentality & Move On From Perfectionism NOW!
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Today I am chatting about one of the biggest blocks stopping you achieving your goals: an "All or Nothing" mindset. The good news is you control it, so you can change it. If you are waiting to start decluttering, eating well, ditching chemicals or waiting to start that business, until you have enough time, money, knowledge etc then this is the episode for you.
This mindset can be sneaky in that we don't even realise we are suffering from perfectionism and it's holding us back in a big way. In this episode, I share with you four areas you need to let go of thinking in extremes and how you can move on by taking small action.
It's time to stop self sabotaging, comparing and feeling like an imposter and time to take action in your motherhood, your health and your home. Change starts with small imperfect steps.
See all the details for the FREE AS A MUMMA course here

Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
You want to start swapping out your products to more natural ones, you're ready to ditch toxic chemicals buuuuut your husband isn't quite sold on the idea yet. In this episode I share with you my biggest lesson looking back on our low tox journey. Open communication and honest discussion are always the best and this area is no different.
![Start the Year with a Refreshed Home. [ 7 day Home Reset Challenge - Guide to Simplify Your Home]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8711060/Elyse_Rooney_-_Rebrand_6_antj3_300x300.png)
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
This episode is a recap of the 7 day Home Reset Challenge I hosted in the Conscious Christian Mums Facebook group. If you are looking for the "HOW" when it comes to simplifying your home, here it is. This challenge was a step by step on getting started with decluttering.
Join the facebook group here
Get liquid collagen here
![What Does it Mean to be Intentional With Our Parenting? [Interview with Nellie Harden from 6570 Project]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8711060/Elyse_Rooney_-_Rebrand_6_antj3_300x300.png)
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
When we think about what our mission is as parents, it some what comes down to the fact that we are getting our children ready for the world. In this podcast I am joined by special guest Nellie Harden and we discuss how we can build our family unit as a solid foundation for our children to learn and grow from. Nellie is a family life and leadership coach and she shares with us her wisdom and practical advice in how we can set our family up for a win, the significance of the number 6570 and why it is vital for parents to have a vision for their family. We also delve in to phones, social media, technology and navigating changing seasons with our children. If you are striving to be an intentional mum, make sure you listen in!
For more check out wholesomemumma.com

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Time for a ’Ding’ Detox? How to Live Focused in a Distracted World.
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
The secret to being a present mum is to be able to focus on what matters most to you. Do you feel like your kids always see you with a phone in your hand? Or do you even catch yourself telling your kids to wait while you "just reply to these messages"? In today's episode I'm going to walk you through a few things that you can do to turn down the noise coming from your phone so you can be more focused in motherhood, business and life. Phones and social media are funny things, the key is to be aware of our relationship with them and have boundaries around them. Join me today as we chat through exactly that!
Free As A Mumma Course available here
Join the Conscious Christian Mums Community here

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
8 Things You Can Do Today For Better Health
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
A lot of us want to be healthier and many of you even set goals at the start of 2022 to "get healthy" or something along those lines. But who else knows that "getting healthy" can be overwhelming and confusing! In this episode I want to take the overwhelm away and give you 8 simple, practical things that you can do each day for your health. Pick one and start today!
For resources and mentioned links visit the website

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Already Tired and Burnt Out? How to Start Your Year With Joy
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
The past two years have been some kind of wild ride that has become a mental blur. If you are like me then you might be starting your year feeling worn out. In this episode I share with you four things you can do to start with joy.
For more visit The Wholesome Mumma Website
Get Your liquid Gold Collagen here and score $10 off

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Get Clear On Where You’re Going In 2022! Give Yourself Permission To Dream!
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Do you have guilt around your dreams? Why you shouldn’t and how to make them reality. In this episode with Sarah-Jane from the Be You Project we talk about the questions to ask yourself to find your purpose. There is no shame and guilt when it comes to you living out your purpose because you don’t know the bigger plan that is in place!
Sarah-Jane is a Christian Life Coach and she shares with us great practical tips on finding your purpose, what to do on a hard day, why you need to have big faith, setting goals so you actually achieve them and why you need to start today!