Do you struggle to maintain the home without sacrificing time with your kids? Do you feel guilty for sitting your kids in front of a screen so you can get everything done? Are you going to bed feeling overwhelmed and scattered? Do you find yourself stuck in survival mode, counting down to bedtime (and then feeling bad about it)? Do you want to live more holistically and go low-tox but don’t know where to start? What if there was a way to partner biblical parenting with holistic homemaking so you had the systems, routines, and mindset to actually have more time and balance between home and motherhood? It’s possible, Let me show you how! In the Wholesome Mumma find conversations on biblical parenting for the SAHM Christian mum, a holistic view on homemaking and how you can make small changes to better your homemaking plus tips and tricks for staying on top of the housework whilst balancing time with God, your husband, children and even yourself. I’m Elyse, lover of Jesus, married to my best friend, mum of 3 littles and living life on the beach. I remember what it was like to be a new mum - I was frustrated with motherhood, drowning in housework, and struggling to find time to balance it all. I wondered how to help my kids know Jesus when I couldn’t get my toddler to stop throwing a tantrum long enough to open the bible. I went on a journey to discover God’s plan and purpose for mothers. 3 John 1:2 says “I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” and I know this includes mothers. So if you are ready to lean on Jesus in your motherhood, find contentment in homemaking and all that God has for you in this season then grab your cup of tea, reheat it, because you know, and let’s go! For more info visit wholesomemumma.com or connect with Elyse @wholesomemumma and email hello@wholesomemumma.com
![The Family Table Is More Important Than You Realise. Simple Steps To Save Time, Help Fussy Eaters And Enjoy Dinners Together. [Interview with Andrea Heyman]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8711060/Elyse_Rooney_-_Rebrand_6_antj3_300x300.png)
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Struggling to find the time to make meals for your family? Or perhaps you (and honestly this is me), just don’t know where you even start when it comes to dinner time and kinda dread it? Join me as I chat with Andrea Heyman from Adventures In Feeding My Fam as we discuss all kinds of challenges with food and meal time that mothers are facing. Andrea is a registered dietician and is passionate about keeping meals simple, nutritious and enjoyable. She shares her 2,2,2 method to make meal planning super simple and how you can create a weekly schedule to suit you, including ideas for using up the vegetables and reducing food waste. We also discuss the one rule you should have at the dinner table to help you all be present and maximise the time together, how to help younger children eat more and try new foods (beyond bribery and pushing them), why family meals are more important than you think and how we can cultivate moments of connection with our family during mealtime. If you have a picky eater at home this will help you too! For more info on this episode head to wholesomemumma.com

Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Sick and tired of being sick and tired? For the mumma who is feeling like she is running on empty, under the weight of the world, or just caught up in the 'hustle' - sister, it's time to find some real rest. Yes, even in the midst of motherhood you can, and need to, rest. In this episode we look at what is rest and what does the bible says about rest, why it's actually critical if you want to show up and be present with your kids and what you need to do to get some rest. For more info head to wholesomemumma.com

Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
This week is our 5 year anniversary and what better way to celebrate with you all than to share a little bonus episode of the live Q&A we did in the Wholesome Mumma Facebook Group. In this episode we share how you make time for marriage, funny stories of our parenting, marriage advice that has actually been helpful for us, having kids, what we do when we can't stand each other and so much more. Have a laugh along with us! For more check out wholesomemumma.com

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Are you living with your long-term wellness in mind? Or are you finding yourself saying you'll start again next week? During this conversation with Ryanne Channell from Wellness and The Word, we unpack what the Bible says about your health and wellness and what it means to thrive and honour your body so you can live out your calling, because you were made for so much more than mere survival mode. Understand how you can beat the chocolate and coffee cravings, how to talk to your kids about food, practicing self-control and being a steward of your health. This conversation is packed with gold nuggets and I know you're going to love it! For more and show notes visit wholesomemumma.com.

Monday Nov 23, 2020
One Simple Hack To Get Motivated And Start To Declutter
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
I get it mumma, you are overwhelmed at all the stuff in the house and you want to simplify and clear the clutter but you don't know where to start? In this episode, I share with you one ridiculously simple hack to get you started, get the momentum and finally declutter the home. I promise you, starting is a lot easier than you think and I'm here to help you through it. Where do I start? How long will it take? I'll answer these questions and more so listen in. For more visit wholesomemumma.com

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
I don't remember anyone teaching me that we love differently, that men and women, at our core, need to receive love in unique ways. Join me as I share three of my favourite marriage resources (plus a bonus one for kids) that have been helpful and life-changing for us. Discovering how you need to be loved and how your spouse needs to be love will change your marriage. No more going down the spiral of feeling like you aren't getting each other, it's time to start seeing the fruit of a marriage that is thriving in truth and grace. What does love look like for us as women and how do we need that love shown practically? We'll discuss this and more. For more info visit wholesomemumma.com

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
In today’s episode I share my postpartum journey and in particular, my battle with postnatal depression. In light of Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Awareness week, I speak out about how I knew I was struggling being a mother followed by breastfeeding issues, a sick child and more. I share how I reached out for help, what help looked like for me, how I was able to overcome PND and now be expecting another baby. Mental Health of mothers and fathers is a topic close to my heart and I pray this episode speaks to you. If you are needing help with your mental health, let this encourage you to find the strength and ask for help.

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
“I am finding with everyone home, I'm overwhelmed with what I'm not getting done. Any mindful advice to be more okay with the failure that it feels to not get things done and the unorganised home I now have”. This was a question asked in The Wholesome Mumma Community and today I wanted to share this with you all too. There's such a call for perfectionism in motherhood but we have to honour our season and give what we can. Sometimes 40% might be the new 100%.

Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
When we start to live more intentionally, part of the journey is looking at why we do, what we do. Join me for a conversation as I share why I'm no longer using social media as a "feel good drug" to help fill my cup and what I'm doing to meet my emotional needs instead. If you are ready to feel more refreshed and let go of just scrolling then listen in.

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Feeling stuck in any area of your life? What if I told you, it can take 15 minutes to completely turn it around?! This episode takes you through areas where taking 15 minutes can get you from being an overwhelmed mum to getting it done. Whether your house is a mess or needs decluttering, take 15 minutes. Maybe you need to have a real conversation with your husband, child, or even just calm your own emotions, take 15 minutes. Unmotivated to exercise? Yep, 15 minutes. Listen in and I'll show you how.