Do you struggle to maintain the home without sacrificing time with your kids? Do you feel guilty for sitting your kids in front of a screen so you can get everything done? Are you going to bed feeling overwhelmed and scattered? Do you find yourself stuck in survival mode, counting down to bedtime (and then feeling bad about it)? Do you want to live more holistically and go low-tox but don’t know where to start? What if there was a way to partner biblical parenting with holistic homemaking so you had the systems, routines, and mindset to actually have more time and balance between home and motherhood? It’s possible, Let me show you how! In the Wholesome Mumma find conversations on biblical parenting for the SAHM Christian mum, a holistic view on homemaking and how you can make small changes to better your homemaking plus tips and tricks for staying on top of the housework whilst balancing time with God, your husband, children and even yourself. I’m Elyse, lover of Jesus, married to my best friend, mum of 3 littles and living life on the beach. I remember what it was like to be a new mum - I was frustrated with motherhood, drowning in housework, and struggling to find time to balance it all. I wondered how to help my kids know Jesus when I couldn’t get my toddler to stop throwing a tantrum long enough to open the bible. I went on a journey to discover God’s plan and purpose for mothers. 3 John 1:2 says “I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” and I know this includes mothers. So if you are ready to lean on Jesus in your motherhood, find contentment in homemaking and all that God has for you in this season then grab your cup of tea, reheat it, because you know, and let’s go! For more info visit wholesomemumma.com or connect with Elyse @wholesomemumma and email hello@wholesomemumma.com

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
176/ How Do I Live in the Moment When the World is in Chaos? Should I?
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Today on the podcast I am sharing a few things to remember when it comes to living in a world where you can access the news 24/7. How do we balance our breaking hearts seeing what's happening, caring for the vulnerable but also focusing on what God has called you to in this moment? This is the big question I am looking at today and briefly sharing my thoughts and what I am trying to remember in these times.

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
175/ Teaching Your Children Who They Are In Christ (with Catherine Parks)
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
If you want to help your children learn to read and understand the Bible, listen in to this episode with author Catherine Parks as we discuss how we as parents can help develop a love for the word of God in our children. In this episode we also discuss how we can teach our children to have understanding of their identity in Christ.
Catherine's latest book "What to Wear" is out now and is a great resource and bible study to go through with your children.

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
174/ What To Do When You Can’t Keep Up With The Housework
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Ever been so overwhelmed with the state of your house? Or had days where it feels like you're barely keeping up and chasing your own tail? The other week I had a day where even though I had set out to clean, it felt like I was going backwards. As a mum, this flows on to my family and I become short fused and overly stressed. So in today's episode I want to share with you what I did to "reset" my home and how you can to. This hack will help you if you are stuck feeling unmotivated with a long to do list.
If you need more help, you can book a Home Rhythms Coaching Session here.
![173/ If You’re Chasing CALM, You First Need CONNECTION [Part 2 - Connected Parenting with Kaili Zeiher]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8711060/Elyse_Rooney_-_Rebrand_6_antj3_300x300.png)
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Today on the podcast Kaili and I are continuing our conversation around connected parenting. We go through different connection strategies as well as different calming strategies to use with your children and when is the right time to do each. We also discuss the importance of being connected to our child and how it can help them as they grow and develop.
You can connect with Kaili and her resources here:
![172/ Why We Need To Pursue CONNECTION With Our Children [Part 1 - Connected Parenting Coach Kaili Zeiher]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8711060/Elyse_Rooney_-_Rebrand_6_antj3_300x300.png)
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Have you ever tried to "fix" your child's behaviour? Today on the podcast I am chatting with Kaili from Chaos to Connected around why we need to create connection with our children if we are wanting to see growth in the longterm. In this episode, Kaili shares how to help our children to manage their big emotions, how to know when we are triggered, why our children's emotions and meltdowns can start with us and what to do when we feel frustrated as mothers.
You can connect with Kaili and her resources here:

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
171/ The Exact Method To Kickstart Your Low Tox Lifestyle
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Unsure of where to start making swaps in your home? In today's episode I am sharing the audio from our Kickstart Your Low Tox Lifestyle free masterclass. In this masterclass you will learn what the term "low tox" actually means and why it matters, how to shop with confidence, which ingredients to avoid, how to save money and shocking statistics that show we as a society are not fine. I hope you walk away from listening to this feeling empowered that you GET to make changes. And I'm here to help you along the way!
Join Round 2 of The Home Detox Method. Use code "KICKSTART" for $50 off through 8pm Friday 8 Sept (AEST).

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
170/ My 4 Top Tips For Starting Your Low Tox Journey
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Whether you are brand new to the concept of "low tox" or been at it for a while, this episode I want to encourage or remind you of 4 very important things when it comes to your low tox lifestyle.
Kickstart Your Low Tox Lifestyle Free Masterclass
The Home Detox Method Code: "SPRING" to save $50

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
169/ My Must Know Hack To Tell If A Product is *ACTUALLY* Low Tox
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Hey Mumma, have you heard of greenwashing? If not, you're definitely going to want to listen to this! In today's episode I am going to explain to you the ONE thing you MUST do at the store when looking at products. If you want to stop wasting money on a product that looks good only to find out that it wasn't as good as you thought, then listen in!
Episode 167: 7 Ingredients to Swap

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
168/ Overwhelmed When Grocery Shopping? 4 Simple Swaps To Make!
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Do you get overwhelmed when grocery shopping? How do you know which is the best option to choose? What should you be avoiding? In today's episode I break down 4 things I believe we should all be avoiding when it comes to our food and where the best place is to start if you are just beginning your journey of eating clean.
Kickstart your low tox lifestyle here and never be confused by clever marketing again.

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
167/ 7 Ingredients To Swap When Going Low Tox
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Looking at ingredient lists on household cleaners and personal products can be overwhelming but it shouldn't stop you from looking at them. In today's episode I am sharing with you 7 ingredients (plus a bonus extra) to avoid bringing into your home. Remember, just because it's sold in the store doesn't mean it's completely safe. In this episode we will look at 7 chemicals and the effects that they can have on your body and that of your children.
Ready to kickstart your low tox lifestyle? Remove toxic chemicals from your home, simply, with me in my FREE Workshop!